

  • High yielding, yellow-fleshed swede with medium maturity
  • Similar dry rot and clubroot tolerance to Aparima Gold
  • Good leaf disease tolerance
  • Plant glucosinolate levels similar to Aparima Gold Swede (Three main glucosinalates: progoitrin, glucobrassicin and neoglucobrassicin) 
  • Pelleted seed avaliable 
Farm Type
  • Sowing Rate 1 kg/ha
  • Days to Grazing From 170 to 250
  • Growing Seasons Spring, Summer
  • Grazing Seasons Autumn, Winter
  • Potential Yield 18,000 kgDM/ha

Hawkestone swede is a high yielding, yellow-fleshed, main crop swede with medium maturity. Along with a similar dry rot and clubroot tolerance to Aparima Gold swede, Hawkestone also has a good disease tolerance to powdery mildew. With the added benefit of the Cleancrop™ Brassica System, Hawkestone swede is tolerant to Telar® herbicide application at both pre- and postemergence for excellent weed control. It is the first swede cultivar to be single plant selected for lower levels of grazing anti-nutritional glucosinolate compounds (progoitrin, glucobrassicin and neoglucobrassicin levels similar to Aparima Gold Swede).

Sowing rate

Pelleted 90,000 seeds/ha  

Agronomic performance of swede cultivars relative to Cleancrop Hawkestone Swede.

7 trials: Methven (2013, 2014, 2015), Gore (2013, 2014, 2015) and Palmerston North (2015). In these trials conventional herbicides were used on all cultivars. Telar® was not applied. Where Telar® was used for Hawkestone and no herbicide applied to the other cultivars, we would expect higher yields for Hawkestone swede.

PGG Wrightson Seeds Sales Agronomist Brian Young in a paddock of Cleancrop™ Hawkestone swede in Southland.