Bulb turnip

Turnips are a spring/summer/early autumn sown bulb and leaf crop providing a single grazing. Spring sown turnips are generally early maturing, tankard bulb types such as Barkant® or Cleancrop™ Toto providing a high quality, energy-dense feed and a good protein source when summer pasture quality is low.

Summer/early autumn sown turnips are generally later maturing, globe bulb types with improved winter-keeping ability such as Green Globe or Cleancrop™ bulb turnip.

Spring sow for summer feed. Late summer/early autumn sow when moisture permits for winter feed.

Leafy turnip

Leafy turnips are a spring sown, multi-graze brassica crop that can offer three to four grazings. Leafy turnips are earlier maturing than forage rape, whereby the first grazing is possible from 42 days after sowing.

Generally, leafy turnips are spring sown to provide a high-quality summer feed for drystock farming systems. Leafy turnips are a shallow-rooted, swollen bulb crop and therefore, they are susceptible to drought and poor soil fertility. In dryland environments, Pallaton Raphno® with increased drought tolerance may be more suitable.

Cleancrop™ Toto turnip

Toto turnip is a high yielding, summer and autumn bulb turnip with early maturity, allowing it to be grazed from 55 days after sowing. A tankard bulb shape alongside great bulb softness promotes excellent crop utilisation by grazing animals. Toto is also part of the Cleancrop™ Brassica System with the added benefit of a herbicide resistance trait, which allows the application of Telar® herbicide at both pre- and post-emergence for excellent weed control.

  • High yielding, summer bulb turnip
  • Improved turnip mosaic virus tolerance
  • Tankard bulb shape to increase crop utilisation
  • Able to graze from 55 days after sowing (55-90 DAS)
  • Suitable for summer and autumn feed
Learn more about Cleancrop™
Sales Agronomist Paul Greenbank with dairy farmer Grant Bennett in a crop of Cleancrop™ Toto turnip.