Green Globe 

Summer/winter turnip

  • Multi-purpose turnip suitable for summer, autumn and winter feed
  • Proven winter hardiness
  • Good yield potential 
  • Late maturing
Farm Type
  • Sowing Rate 0.8 - 2 kg/ha
  • Days to Grazing From 90 to 120
  • Growing Seasons Spring, Summer
  • Grazing Seasons Summer, Autumn
  • Potential Yield 12,000 kgDM/ha
Green Globe turnip – the reliable turnip that delivers good dry matter yields for your stock. It delivers flexible sowing options. Green Globe will perform in harsh winter conditions and lower soil fertility. When the going gets tough Green Globe performs for your stock.


Green Globe is a valuable summer feed option on dairy farms to help maximise milk production. Plant 2/3 of the crop area in the early-maturing Barkant® turnip (60-90 days maturity) and 1/3 in late-maturing Green Globe turnip (90-120 days maturity). Planting both turnip cultivars on the same day provides a variation in the spread of maturity, whereby the turnips can be grazed over a longer period from 60–120 days.

Using the two turnip cultivars to spread maturity, can be a great way to maintain feed quality while pushing summer brassicas out into late summer. Removes concerns regarding the feed quality of turnip crop declining due to trying hold onto an early-maturing cultivar for too long or reduced crop yield from grazing a late-maturing crop too early. Green Globe and Barkant turnips complement each other well.

Cultivar Time of feeding
Barkant Early/mid summer
Green Globe Late summer/autumn



Green Globe turnips are an ideal late autumn/winter feed option in more challenging environments. Sown in late summer it can be grazed 90-120 days after sowing and does not require a specific ripening period. There are a number of situations where Green Globe could be incorporated, whether as part of a development plan (e.g. breaking in country), lower fertility soils or more challenging topography.