Cleancrop™ Leafy Turnip 

• High yielding - 25% higher than Pasja II
• Multi-graze Pasja type with reduced bolting
• Fast-establishing, high quality feed
• Excellent plant persistence after multiple grazings
(moisture dependent)
• Provides a flexible grazing option for all stock classes
over summer and autumn
• Minimal ripening required

Farm Type
  • Sowing Rate 4 kg/ha
  • Days to Grazing From 42 to 70
  • Growing Seasons Spring, Summer
  • Grazing Seasons Summer, Autumn
  • Potential Yield 11,000 kgDM/ha

Cleancrop™ leafy turnip is a fast-establishing, multi-graze variety with reduced flower bolting and 25% more total yield from multiple grazings than Pasja II leafy turnip. As part of the Cleancrop Brassica System, it the added benefit of an herbicide tolerance trait allowing Telar® herbicide to be applied at both pre- and post-emergence for excellent weed control.



Leafy turnip is a cultivar that is part of the Cleancrop™ Brassica System, a simple weed management solution that combines the power of broad-spectrum herbicide Telar® and plants bred to tolerate it.

  • Control weeds within 48 hours of sowing*
  • No moisture required# to activate Telar® herbicide
  • No soil incorporation required
  • Adaptable to method of sowing
  • Telar® cannot be used on regular brassicas

*For the weeds controlled by Telar that require Telar applied as a foliar spray at post-emergence, an application can be made when the crop is at fourth true leaf stage or later. 
#When applied pre-emerge Telar is taken up through the roots of weeds when conditions promote their growth. 



Maximising yield dilutes fixed costs (e.g. drilling, fertiliser, crop protection etc.). Growing a cultivar that maximises yield in a short time frame, such as Cleancrop™ leafy turnip, is a great way to reduce the cost per kilogram of dry matter (kg/DM).

Plus, Telar® takes care of 23 hard-to-control weeds at the time of sowing, freeing up moisture and nutrients to give your crop the best chance of maximising performance and delivering superior returns on your seed investment.

Cleancrop™ leafy turnip is also bred with a smooth leaf that animals find palatable, offering good crop utilisation (75%) and is resilient enough to offer multiple grazings.

3 trials: Kimihia (2013, 2014, 2015). In these trials conventional herbicides were used on both Cleancrop™ leafy turnip and Pasja II. Telar® was not applied. Where Telar® was used for Cleancrop™ leafy turnip and no herbicide applied to Pasja II, we would expect higher yields for Cleancrop™ leafy turnip.

Craig and Tracy jane Tapanui Leaf Turnip HT

Using a simple-to-manage finishing system based predominantly on Cleancrop leafy turnip over summer, this year we traded and finished 65000 lambs

Craig & Tracy Jane, Tapanui