

  • Fine stemmed for better quality and palatability
  • Semi-dormant in winter
  • Versatile - persistent under grazing, hay/silage and mixed regimes
  • High annual dry matter production
  • Excellent pest and disease resistance
Farm Type
  • Sowing Rate 10 kg/ha

Grasslands Kaituna lucerne is a New Zealand developed lucerne selected for improved resistance to a range of insect pests and diseases. It is ideal for grazing and mixed regimes and is persistent under grazing and hay/silage production. Kaituna lucerne is highly productive in spring and summer, with later autumn and earlier spring growth than Wairau.


Bare seed: 8-10 kg/ha
Superstrike® treated seed: 10-14 kg/ha

An established Kaituna lucerne crop in the Canterbury region. 

Mike OBrien

"Lucerne is a major plus as it enables us to grow reliable high quality supplementary feed” says Mike O’Brien. Mike and brother Frank, and their respective wives Christine and Bronwyn, farm Westend Station at Lake Monowai, south of Manapouri. Lucerne was first planted on 22 ha five years ago and later extended. Lucerne’s long taproot is able to access what moisture is available, providing high quality feed over summer and autumn when it is most needed.

Mike O'Brien, southland