Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) is a prostrate annual clover well-suited to true
dryland environments where white clover struggles to persist.
Bindoon was bred to replace traditional sub clover varieties and is recognised for its cool season productivity, high seed production and dense seedling regeneration.
Bindoon sub clover displays a very prostrate growth habit and produces a low, dense sward. Although relatively soft-seeded, it sets sufficient seed to ensure the reliable regeneration of plant populations.
Bindoon sub clover is generally established via oversowing or drilling when soil moisture is present and before temperatures decline significantly. Fertiliser applications offer an opportunity to apply both fertiliser and sow clover seed at the same time. Consider the soil fertility of hill country blocks: soils with adequate phosphate, potassium, sulphur, molybdenum and pH (5.8-6.2) will enhance clover growth and persistence.
After sowing, there should be only light grazing until seedlings are firmly established and cannot be pulled out or trampled by grazing livestock. This is usually about six weeks after germination.
During its early stages of establishment, Bindoon should not be heavily grazed. However, once mature, the stocking rates can be increased. As with all sub clovers, grazing up to flowering will improve seed set. Once flowering begins, stocking rates should be reduced to allow for maximum seed production.
Following sowing, paddocks should be allowed to set seed about every 5-10 years to maintain a productive seed bank. Paddocks can be walked in September/October to assess sub clover populations. If patches are more than 2 m apart in a straight line, it is generally worth allowing the paddock to set seed.
When the paddock contains large areas with no sub clover, oversowing or drilling in autumn is generally required to establish a population.