
Italian Ryegrass

  • Robust diploid Italian ryegrass
  • Super-fast establishment
  • Excellent late spring/early summer production
  • High yields of quality feed
Farm Type
  • Sowing Rate 18 kg/ha
  • Heading Date Late - 20 days later than Nui
  • Tetraploid/Diploid Diploid

Supercruise is a fast establishing diploid Italian ryegrass for the New Zealand market. Displaying all the required attributes of a high quality diploid Italian ryegrass, Supercruise has the endurance to go the distance. If you are looking for a cost effective, short term pasture or a reliable option for undersowing into worn out perennial pastures, Supercruise is the grass for you.

Sowing and Establishment

Supercruise Italian ryegrass may be used as a specialist feed sown at a minimum of 18 kg/ha or undersown into existing pasture at a minimum of 10-15 kg/ha with Superstrike® treated seed to improve establishment.

Pasture Life: North Island 12-18 months; South Island 18-24 months

Grazing Management

Supercruise Italian ryegrass is best suited to rotational grazing. For best persistence, avoid hard grazing over summer.

Daniel Nichol Supercruise

Daniel has used Supercruise as a 'forage crop' to provide bulk-quality feed on the main station and run-off block on the Taieri. As a crop it is allowing 12-24 months feed while allowing the opportunity to clean up weed issues for lucerne and permanent pasture. The run-off block is primarily for finishing cattle/silage and the Supercruise on the station is for all stock. 

daniel nichol, otago