
Perennial ryegrass

  • Strong, year-round dry matter production
  • Very high sugar (water soluble carbohydrate) levels
  • Late flowering and low aftermath heading
  • Very high tiller density
  • Strong cool season growth
Farm Type
Farm Type
  • Sowing Rate 25 kg/ha
  • Heading Date Late - 21 days later than Nui
  • Tetraploid/Diploid Diploid

Expo diploid perennial ryegrass – the brilliant all rounder of our diploid perennial ryegrass range. A good year-round producer of dry matter with strong cool season growth. Excellent feed quality with a late heading date (21 days later than Nui) and higher levels of water soluble carbohydrates (sugars). Exceptional attributes that will meet the needs of your stock. Expo can be utilised in both rotational and set stocking grazing systems with soils that have medium to high soil fertility.


Heading Date

Early Mid-Season Late VeryLate
    Expo: 21 days later than Nui  


Sowing & Establishment

Expo perennial ryegrass can be sown at 15-25 kg/ha with Superstrike® treated clover.

  • Pasture Life 5 years+

Grazing Management

Expo perennial ryegrass is suitable for rotational grazing systems or set stocking.

  • Grazing Method Rotational Grazed – Long Term

Mix Suitability

Expo perennial ryegrass combines well with other components of a pasture mix (e.g. short rotation ryegrass, cocksfoot, Grasslands Puna II chicory and clover).

Example Pasture Mixes

Dairy Pasture Mix
Expo perennial ryegrass 21 kg/ha
Legacy white clover 2 kg/ha
Quartz white clover 2 kg/ha

Sheep and Beef Pasture Mix
Expo perennial ryegrass 21 kg/ha
Quartz white clover 2 kg/ha
Hilltop white clover 2 kg/ha

For increased animal performance, nitrogen fixation and pasture management, add Amigain red clover to pasture mixes at 4-6 kg/ha.

Nick Browning

Nick Browning has been using Expo for 5 years. Nick says “Expo is so dense it will fight well and keep the Kikuyu out. In a drought it stays green and bounces back quick after rain. The cows love it and after a few days grazing we notice a lift in their production.”

Nick Browning, Dargaville, Northland