Platform is a persistent diploid perennial ryegrass# offering high yields of quality feed and year-round dry matter production. Outstanding quality is achieved through low aftermath seed head production and fine dense tillers making it a versatile option for productive environments.
Platform has performed strongly in New Zealand trials, demonstrating year-round growth with noted summer/autumn productivity. In independent National Forage Variety Trials, Platform AR37 has performed strongly and demonstrated excellent year-round dry matter production.
Platform was bred from a combination of leading New Zealand and north-west Spanish genetics, resulting in both spring and cool season growth when it is needed most. Platform has undergone testing to ensure its adaptability across all ryegrass growing regions of New Zealand.
Early | Mid-Season | Late | Very Late |
Platform: 12 days later than Nui |
Platform perennial ryegrass can be sown at 15-25 kg/ha with Superstrike® treated clover.
Platform perennial ryegrass will produce better under rotational grazing. Avoid hard set stocking during periods of stress (eg. droughts, low soil fertility and insect attack).
Platform perennial ryegrass combines well with other components of a pasture mix (e.g. short rotation ryegrass, cocksfoot and Grasslands Puna II chicory and clover).
Dairy Pasture Mix
Platform perennial ryegrass 21 kg/ha
Legacy white clover 2 kg/ha
Quartz white clover 2 kg/ha
Sheep and Beef Pasture Mix
Platform perennial ryegrass 21 kg/ha
Quartz white clover 2 kg/ha
Hilltop white clover 2 kg/ha
For increased animal performance, nitrogen fixation and pasture management, add Amigain red clover to pasture mixes at 4-6 kg/ha.
Our cows clean up the Platform paddocks better than other cultivars, as a result I’ve reduced the amount of topping required to hit target post-grazing residuals.