Platform is a persistent diploid perennial ryegrass# offering high yields of quality feed and year-round dry matter production. Outstanding quality is achieved through low aftermath seed head production and fine dense tillers making it a versatile option for productive environments.
Platform has performed strongly in New Zealand trials, demonstrating year-round growth with noted summer/autumn productivity. In independent National Forage Variety Trials, Platform AR37 has performed strongly and demonstrated excellent year-round dry matter production.
Dairy Pasture Mix
Platform perennial ryegrass 21 kg/ha
Legacy white clover 2 kg/ha
Quartz white clover 2 kg/ha
Sheep and Beef Pasture Mix
Platform perennial ryegrass 21 kg/ha
Quartz white clover 2 kg/ha
Hilltop white clover 2 kg/ha
For increased animal performance, nitrogen fixation and pasture management, add Amigain red clover to pasture mixes at 4 kg/ha.
Our cows clean up the Platform paddocks better than other cultivars, as a result I’ve reduced the amount of topping required to hit target post-grazing residuals.